Louise's Life

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Through the glass door

Well, the first week at school was madness. There is so much work in this program , but nothing could compare to the madness of music school. It is very thorough work and I like learning again.
The other students (14 total) are all wonderful, all from the US, UK and Australia.

Last night was the first night we all went out together with all 14 of us. A big first friday celebration that went crazy. We went to a restaurant that was owned by the host person of one of the students, Dan. We all met and walked down there. The food was good, good wine and we talked and talked and it was fabulous to really communicate with other traveling and like-mined people.
Unfortunately, towards the end, Dan thought the door was open, but really, in his drunken state, he didnĀ“t see the glass and walked right through it. A loud crash silenced the room and there was blood dripping everywhere. He ended up being quite lucky and only cutting his hand and leg. He was being drunk though, and refused to get into the ambulance and it was wild. Finally, 5 of us walked to the hospital and waited while he got stitched up. Finally, at 5am, the adventure ended, but it was rather wild,

More later,
my computer time is up.


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