Louise's Life

Monday, February 13, 2006

The long, snowy path

Hey all

If anyone is still keeping up with this oh-so-rarely updated blog, know that I miss you all.
I miss the weather in California.
I miss my family and the love of my life.
I miss my unicycle and the Santa Cruz mountains.
I miss getting enough sleep.
I miss my girls.
But I love my new family here and the common goal.

There was an amazing blizzard on Sat. night and Sunday. I wish I got a picture while all the snow was fresh. It was amazing. Like 18 inches or more of snow overnight! Wind and big snowflakes floating every which way. It was hard to believe they were going down, cuz they all just looked like they were going to float sideways or on circles forever. I was screaching and jumping up and down with excitement, while my housemates were calling me a big dork and feeling annoyed at the inconvenience and wondering how it would effect getting to rehearsal. Our rehearsal space is rarely more than 15-20 degress warmer than the outside temperature and the HIGH yesterday was 29 degrees F so you can guess how cold it is to stretch and train. Kind of dangerous actually.

I wonder if that is why I injured my back.
Yes, you got it, folks. First my right ankle, then my left and now the right sub-scapular area in my back. I have been off training since Thurday night (I hurt it on Wed. but tried to train until I really couldn't stand the pain--smart). I got a massage but it made it worse. Cypher, the director, finally convinced me to see a dance injury or sports medicine specialist. So I got an appointment, but it is sort of stressing me out because with our tour coming up in less than two weeks, I won't even make enough to pay rent for March, let alone be able to afford a doctor visit.
But I guess that is the best use for a credit card--to take care of my health when I can't afford to.
And then there is the TOUR that I am supposed to be performing a trapeze act in but I can't train right now. Arg.

When we get back from tour I need to either:
A. get a raise
B. get a new job that pays more
C. get another job and work on my one day off
cuz I'm just not making it financially, and I already cut out everything that could be cut.
But that is the life of a poor artist, or someone with a full-time hobby. : )
I love it. It is worth being a little broke.

The tour should be fun. We are going to North Carolina and Georgia and Virginia. And we were going to D.C. but I am bummed that got canceled because it is my birthday weekend and my little sister was going to coincidentally be in D.C. that weekend. Bummer.

I guess that is the one thing that is getting to me a little. I miss my friends and family back home and I know the life in this line of work doesn't offer a 2-week vacation time to go on a cruise or a unicycle festival or a family camping trip. There are no days off--not consecutive. I miss being outdoors in the sun and riding or hanging out in nature with my friends. The summer will be busy with gigs here and touring, which is great in its own way, but leaves me little time to visit. I'll just have to throw big parties when I am on that side of the states again so I can see everyone all at once when I pass through town while we are on tour.

The community here is amazing, though. I already know more people that have similar interests here than I met in years in the bay area. There is quite a tight, underground art community that is really fun to be a part of.

I went to a cool party last weekend. It was run by members of the "freak factory." It was a very burning man type event: costumes and d.j.'s and people wandering around serving snacks, and a kissing booth for Valentine's Day with mints and Hershey's kisses.
I had a great time meeting people and hanging out. I ran into a bunch of students from the circus classes we teach and I even met a guy who looked like Elvis, (he even had the glasses) who I ended up staying up till 4am talking to. I get out very rarely, but when I do, it really makes me feel better and is fun. I love to dance!!! If you haven't been out for awhile, I highly recommend getting out and shaking your rump a bit, cuz it sure clears the mind.
(although it doesn't really help a bad back).

I am currently involved in a HUGE cooking project in my kitchen. I am alone in my house--a rare event. And we dancers eat SO much food. Our grocery bill is crazy and we go shopping every other day, it seems. But at least we aren't going hungry and no one around here is gaining weight so we must need it all.
I am cooking split pea soup and rice and beans and a curry vegetable thing...yummy

This must be the most boring blog ever, but really, my life is pretty dull day-to-day. The "glory" of running away with the circus is really just long hours of training in a cold room, bruises, sore muscles, long hours at work to pay the rent, late nights planning the next tour, long, cold walks to and from work, good books on the subway (thanks reis and JM) and many good laughs with the others walking the long road with me. I love waking up every day and knowing I am improving and following my heart, but there isn't much to talk about.

I always love to get email and know what all those that I left back home are doing.
Hugs to All.
And I'll try to post pictures soon...


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