Louise's Life

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Beautiful moments

I just want you all to know that my life here isn´t all sprained ankles, stolen wallets, missed flights and break-ups. No, there are so many wonderful moments, so I thought I´d log a few of the latest.

Beautiful moments:

I went out the other night with a friend of mine. We were walking along a bridge that connects La Rambla (a popular street) with Barceloneta (a floating shopping center in the port). The moon was a small crescent in the fading blue sky, with a single star hanging over the moon. All the boats were lit up and the ocean refected all the beauty, as suble waves tried to enter the port. We tried to capture it on a camera phone, but we would have needed Corbin´s new, fancy digital. Alas, all I have are the memories in my brain.

This week is a holiday week, so I had no Spanish class Tues. or Thurs. I took the day on Tuesday to go to the Museum of Catalunya. It was a sunny but cold and windy day. I walked toward the museum, passed an old car show and up a couple hundred stairs, being as the museum is up on a hill. After each staircase, I turned to look at the colorful European city below, as it got farther and farther away. Finally, at the top there were two, huge marble statues, which looked almost black against the sky and buildings below. The wind whipped my scarf and my hair (or what´s left of it, as I cut it all off). It chilled my face and I sat watching, smiling at the world beyond and thankful for my life, and the precious moments.
And the art museum was cool too, but that was the highlight.

Strange People in the Metro:

So earlier today, at 2pm on a Wednesday, there was a couple, maybe in their early 30´s smoking crack or herione on the Metro!!! Shamelessly, with an entire roll of aluminum foil, not even facing their backs to us or hiding in a bathroom. They each had a little square of foil with some white rock/powder on top, and lit a light beneath, and sucked the smoke right off and then blew it into the tram, where we could all get high. I was so aghast, and really sort of annoyed as they were right in front of me. So finally I moved, still wondering how they can get away with that. I guess growing up in the US, I didnt realize how lawless other places are. Each to their own.

all right, hugs to all and good luck to TCP.
Go see them!! Choral Project. google it if you need to. they are awesome!!!


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