Louise's Life

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Photos!! Trapeze, Silks, Handstands...


Finally, pictures of what I do. Not such great pictures, as my camera is sort of cheap...as in free (I found it while unicycling), but at least it is something.

The trapeze stuff are shots from the routine I am working on. I just recently got "promoted" so my trapeze is a bit higher off the ground now.

The silks are a load of fun. That is me in a prep position before I let go of the fabric and do a "drop."

The handstand I just finally was able to ballance and hold for awhile today. That was my big achievement of the day.

Training is fun. I can finally climb the rope and silks with NO FEET (pulling all me weight up with just my upper body). That is exciting cuz it means I am getting stronger. They keep teasing me that I will be so top heavy pretty soon, but I think I still have the hips and booty to ballance it all out. : )


  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger NaNiS said…

    hi there louise.

    I just stumbled across your blog while looking for trapeze and silk photos.

    I was just wondering...how long have you been training?

    I just had my first "class" yesterday and absolutely fell in love with everything- trapeze, silks, lira...i just wanted to know how long it took you to get where youre at now.




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