Louise's Life

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Big Apple, as they say...

Well, friends, fans, family....

Here I am in NYC.
I am here as an apprentice for a circus/dance company called firefly dance. (fireflydance.com) Cypher, the director, has committed to training me and making me part of the team. I am so excited. I met him at Burning Man (an arts festival) last summer. Funny how one festival can change your life...

I live in Brooklyn. The living space is great. We have a nice 2 story, 3 bedroom house with a basement and a backyard. Yes, in NYC! I am living with the director of the company, another apprentice (like me!) and a couple other company members. So far, so good. We are like one big happy family, well, there are only 3 of us currently, but we buy all our food and cook and eat like a family, stretch and clean and organize and practice handstands in the living room. It is like a dream come true. I have been craving the community so badly, and I appreciate it all even more after my challenges in Barcelona.

In terms of my running streak of bad luck, I thought it was over cuz I got here and had a house with great rent and everything was going perfectly in terms of the housemates and weather and company members and the performance they put on New Year's Eve....but alas, I guess some of my bad luck followed me because in all my care not to hurt my ankle again, (the right one that I sprained 6 weeks ago hopping up a staircase on my unicycle), I sprained my OTHER ANKLE in my first day of training, trying to do a front hand spring (which I obviously wasn't able to do). So I am really gimpy now. I was unable to walk at all for a couple days, but some nice lady at a store overheard me saying I needed crutches, and lo-and-behold, had an extra pair next door. So that helped. And after getting lugged all over the city on the back of Cypher's motorcycle because I couldn't walk to the subway, I am now on my own and able to hobble down the street with a slight limp. I should be back to training in no time.

I had my first job interview today and I have another one tomorrow and next week. It is so much easier since I speak the language and have papers to work legally! I always took it for granted till I went to Barcelona and getting even a lame job was next to impossible. Now finding time to work outside my training and a job that will work around our tour schedule will be another story, but for a great nanny....it should be worth it. :)

Missing the California weather, even the storms, as I ride around on the back of a motorcycle with my eyes frozen shut (NY in January!) It's cold here, but I am happy. I am in the right place for this time in my life.

Thanks to everyone in my life who loves and supports me. Those are the important "things" in life, as I am learning.
Many hugs and sorry I didnt get to see everyone when I was back on the West Coast. The time went so fast. But anyone is welcome out to NY. I have my own room!

Hugs all around,

Louise Lovelle


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